What is an unrestricted dropdown field option?

last updated: 8/15/22

Unrestricted drop-down fields are fields where you can insert new values to the drop-down field instead of using the initial set values for that field in your future CRM.

For example, your target CRM has a field named “Type” within the “Companies” object that contains a set of drop-down values:


If you have an unrestricted picklist in your target CRM, the unrestricted dropdown field option will be helpful for your case:


When you create a company record, you can insert a unique value for the “Type” field instead of choosing an available value from the drop-down list. In this case, some of the company “Type” fields’ values will differ from the “Type” field values in your target CRM.

If you prefer not to add these values to the “Type” list, you don’t have to. You can still save these values in your company records while migrating to your new CRM. Our tool will provide a solution that prompts you to map the company “Type” field values.


If you choose the keep original option, you can migrate the value for the field as-is, so you won’t be mapping it to an existing “Type” field value on the drop-down list within your target CRM.

By selecting the Keep original for all options, you can migrate all current values for the fields in question as they are.


Please reach out to us if you have any further questions!